Horus Heresy - Party Bus Hype
'The Vengabus is coming; And everybody's jumping...' - dirge from Emperor's Children vehicles during the Siege of Terra

Well that’s a big Yellow1 party bus. Let’s take a quick look at the model and then talk about it.
Horus Heresy - The Hype Train
'KRAW!' - attributed to un-named Raven Guard Captain
Meet the Team: The Damned Optimist
They'll be fine

Hey you. Yes, you the one reading this, it’s time to give a brief introduction to my wargaming history. I started out in 2008 with Warhammer fantasy back during 7th edition. My first army was the Beasts of chaos, a glorious army that drew me in as the models appealed to me, as I’m sure most beginners do when they select their first army. Unfortunately, however the issue arose that at my local GW there wasn’t much of a Fantasy crowd at the time, so games were limited to introductions with the…
Meet the Team: The Casual Prince
Efficiency... Power... Who Needs Those?

I’m Ben, and casual is both absolutely correct and simultaneously way off the mark in many ways. I made my first ever model (a rather shockingly successful Airfix M1 Abrams) at 10 years of age. By secondary school I was deep into 40k with a Tau army, which changed to a guard army because I was persistently told ‘The Imperial Guard are useless’. By age 15 I discovered Forgeworld, the Vraks series, and that combined with a love of WW1 era imagery led me to becoming a Death Korps nut (a…
Meet the Team: Jonathan, the Hydra
Look out! Theres Bullshit about!