Do We Need a New Edition?
'Here we go again'
A Horus Heresy focussed blog from a group that includes a Casual, some of the Damned and our mandatory Tryhard. We don't roll 6's, We roll 1's
'Here we go again'
'Alright, once again.. from the top this time.' - The Casual
I’ve seen this question pop up a couple of times in the last few months, both in our own little group chat and also from the Leeds Heresy Discord server. Well, less of a question and more of a ‘I’ve soaked these resin models in Biostrip1 and now they’re all melted, goodbye £300 worth of stuff’.
This led to an interesting thought as I looked over some mk4 Destroyer’s that could do with a repaint. How? Soaking in Biostrip was obviously not the method to choose…
'Some say there was models on display' - The Casual