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Casual Heresy

A Horus Heresy focussed blog from a group that includes a Casual, some of the Damned and our mandatory Tryhard. We don't roll 6's, We roll 1's

A Princely Review of the III Legion

The Prince returns to his favoured Legion, but whats changed for 2.0?

The Prince

25-Minute Read

Are they all that Perfect?

Its about time I actually reviewed a Legion. And there really was no contender for the first to the plate than the 3rd Legion. I’ve been with them since the very first Black Book… so lets see where they’re at now. For the purposes of the review I’m going to cover both the units in the Liber Hereticus book, and those covered in the Extended Army List, and Exemplary Battle PDFs - so we can have a full coverage of everything the Legion offers a player.

New Year, New 'Casual Chemical Warfare'

'A Proper Heresy Checklist' - The Casual, reading the Geneva Convention

The Casual

5-Minute Read


Welcome to 2023, and the revival of blogging. We’ve been a bit quiet these last few months, spending it getting our teeth stuck deep into the community and the game itself. Which has left us little time to blog about the various Warhammer World or Independent events we’ve been to, or even to post much about our hobby progress over that time.
Thankfully the eternal Optimist on the team thought it would be a good idea to start up a slow-grow project and that’s given me a good…

Captain Optimism

3-Minute Read

Time for a slow grow

The New Year will be upon us soon (or at least for those of us using the Gregorian calendar it will) and as such, the usual New Years traditions come around again. One of these is the classic New Year’s Resolutions, which as wargamers we have turned into an excuse to start a new army. One of my resolutions is to post on this blog a little more, having taken a long hiatus. But I have also decided to combine the two, and I am announcing one of the plans that we at the Casual and the Damned have…

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Just a group of Collectors, Painters and Players from the North(-ish) of England that want to share our hobby and thoughts on all things Heresy.