New Year's Plans - The Casual and the Damned Slow Grow
New Year, New Army

The New Year will be upon us soon (or at least for those of us using the Gregorian calendar it will) and as such, the usual New Years traditions come around again. One of these is the classic New Year’s Resolutions, which as wargamers we have turned into an excuse to start a new army. One of my resolutions is to post on this blog a little more, having taken a long hiatus. But I have also decided to combine the two, and I am announcing one of the plans that we at the Casual and the Damned have for 2023. Our first Tale of Many Gamers style slow grow.
The “Rules”
What is a slow grow and what are the rules for ours? Well, a slow grow (also known as the Tale of Many Gamers if you’re of a certain vintage) is where a group of friends collect an army over several months. Beyond this the rules are entirely up to the group, for the first one we are going to keep it simple. Each player declares a force that they will be collecting over the next 6 Months, over Month 1 each player paints a 500 point list using the current ruleset. Then each month after that players will paint 250 points during that month from the same force or an allied army. This continues until the 6th month during which each player paints another 500 points totalling a 2000 point list at the end. Beyond this there are no real rules, but some exceptions will be made on a participant-based system, one such example are the Knight factions as they tend to exceed 250 points per unit. One other rule to quickly mention is that the points available are progressive so if you only painted 450 points in January you have 300 points for Febuary etc.
The Participants
Who will be our participants to this slow grow? Well within the team we have myself, the Optimist running the Sisters of silence allowing myself to collect a loyalist faction and paint something none marine. The Prince is looking at rekindling his love for the 3rd Legion, expanding his Emperors Children but with a loyalist twist. The Casual who is planning a Siege themed Death Guard force and finally the Tryhard, who is collecting a force of Militia/Solars in hope for their updated rules set. In addition, there are some friends of the blog who will also be taking part collecting Mechanicum, Ultramarines, Word Bearers and Custodes. For a total of 8 different factions.
At the end of the Month, I will be making a post showing off the forces as they are currently with some discussion as to what we have done and future plans and hopefully this will inspire those of you reading to start your own force. But for now, that is all I have to talk about for this project, and I will see you all in around one month’s time.