Meet the Team: The Damned Optimist
They'll be fine
Time for introductions
Hey you. Yes, you the one reading this, it’s time to give a brief introduction to my wargaming history. I started out in 2008 with Warhammer fantasy back during 7th edition. My first army was the Beasts of chaos, a glorious army that drew me in as the models appealed to me, as I’m sure most beginners do when they select their first army. Unfortunately, however the issue arose that at my local GW there wasn’t much of a Fantasy crowd at the time, so games were limited to introductions with the staff, eventually this led to me going into 40k choosing Tyranids before eventually settling into my newly discovered love of Games workshops overall franchise, Chaos.
Over the years I have collected a great many armies including the undead (of both varieties) the empire and pretty much all flavours of chaos. However, over the years I noticed one thing about the forces I built, they all utilised infantry thrown into the blender of combat.
so what do I play?
When the opportunity arose for me to start playing games in 30k I had to make the decision on what to play. Given the description of my preferred playstyle and factions you would have thought that either the World Eaters or Word Bearers would have fit both my playstyle and fits my love of the lore of all things Chaos. Well in the end, I chose the Night lords. The thought process was very simple, I liked the models and colour scheme. So given that it’s time to show off some select models from my collection, and where better to start than with a model that most HH players own, the Calth Praetor.
I love this model for several reasons, and as such have chosen to show him off despite them being a non-legion specific model. Given that Calth was the start it is this model that was at least partially responsible to me discovering one of my favourite games. Naturally this is not the original colour scheme that I painted but it’s the one that I settled into. One final thing on this guy is that I love making up stories for my armies in this case I imagine him screaming GUILTY every time he swings his fist, but more on that in future posts.
My favourite models in my night lord collection, Terror squads are great models that unfortunately don’t really exist currently (the torsos are not available anymore). I do have a soft spot for horror aesthetically hence why I play the night lords, so naturally I enjoy the idea of a 7ft tall super soldier wearing bones and flayed skin, using the shadows to stalk a target. This combined with the fact that they are exceptionally fun to play on the tabletop able to outflank and with amazing infantry removal potential makes them a unit I never play a game without.
The Night raptors, another unit that I absolutely love, aesthetically for pretty much the exact same reason as the Terror squad with their lore including being the precursor of the chaos raptors, which makes them a fun unit to read about. On the tabletop they are also great fun to use though my tendency to chuck things at the wall means that they end up unsupported ahead of the force. To alleviate this I find it useful to add a character to the squad, speaking of….
Konrad Kurze, Primarch of the Night lords, also known as the Night Haunter, The last judge, The king of terrors and edge lord extraordinaire. I feel like it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say that most if not all heresy players want at least one of the Primarch models, and it must be said that Konrad is (Unsurprisingly) my favourite. At the time of purchase Konrad was the only model that I was missing from the Night lord specific models available from FW, including the Contemptor dread and Sevatar. This was a conscious decision, as it gave me enough practise with painting other Night lord models. This would change however come book nine: Crusade and the reveal of several models, including one I was especially excited to get my hands on.
Ah Dreadnoughts, in my view one of the coolest things that space marines get access to (I’m also very partial to drop pods). So naturally when the Night lords Leviathan was shown off, I was very excited. Hilariously despite the reputation that leviathans rightfully have on the tabletop mine seems to have a habit of not getting a lot done, I don’t know why but frankly I don’t care as I enjoy seeing him on the tabletop. One thing that many will have noted is that I have not attached the human torso to the model. This is a personal choice, as while I do find it very funny to look at, (hence why it is the title image) I do not feel like it fits particularly well on the model, especially with how I paint. Though I do still have the part and do intend to use it on a different project.
And that is all from me for now. As you can imagine I am very excited for the new edition of Horus Heresy and hopefully the new starter set will result in a large influx of new players to enjoy one of my favourite games. As for the articles I will be writing for this blog, well I suppose that will be as much of a surprise for me as it is for you reading this, hmm maybe something to do with campaigns.