Getting Ready for the Open Day
'What horrors have you brought upon us?' - The Casual

There’s an Open Day this weekend.
And I have to take things with me?
About the Open Day
On the 7th My 2022, Warhammer World is going to be closed all day unless you have a ticket. I have two, one for myself and another for the Tryhard, so we can look around at all the reveals that are coming as well as taking part in some interesting activities. It’s those activities that are the really interesting thing that I want to focus on a little here.
- Play the New Edition.
- Legends of Paint.
- Demo Tables.
Yes I have highlighted something important here. Attendees can book a 50min slot to play against another Heretic. We have to take down our own models: 20 Tactical Marines, 10 Terminators, 1 ‘Land Raider Sized Tank’ & 1 ‘Contemptor sized Dreadnought’. Almost the same as a good portion of what is coming from the new big box. Funny that.
But we get to play the game at the Open Day. Which means we don’t need to look at leaks and spoilers (and I’ve vigorously avoided them as much as possible) to get an understanding of how the game is actually going to play. That’s huge since, thanks to people spoiling things, we know that there’s at least one or two major rules changes coming.
The 1st Legion Goes to War
For the Open Day I’m taking the 1st Legion. I’m also going to take the Death Guard I’ve painted and enter them for the painting pin badges because I like getting badges. But to play, there’s really no option than to unleash the 1st Legion.
Mostly because I have all the required models with them but not with the Death Guard.
There’s nothing new-new here. In fact I’ve not added a new model to the Dark Angels in over a year and those were the two Contemptor Dreadnoughts. I dud have to dust off and clean up the Land raider a little, it had gathered a fair amount of dust and those rivets needed dotting.S
Surely You Have Some Narrative Here?
Of course I do, and don’t call me Shirley.1
My Dark Angels Legion project originally started when Book 6 (Retribution) was released. Finally I had rules, temporary though they were, that allowed me to play the 1st Legion in some form. That book also included two Rites of War: The Ravenwing and Ironwing Protocol’s. Now I’m not really a big fan of bikes and jetbikes, but an armoured company that was supported by Dreadnoughts striding into battle? Sign me up. That’s why you see so many rhino’s, and why I have 2 different builds on the resin Ironclad2 and a Deredeo with Lascannons to go with the 2 Contemptors, Sicarans, the singular Land Raider, etc. Mixed armoured might slamming into enemy lines, disgorging warriors of the 1st that will strike down Traitor with bolt and blade in the Lion’s name. That was where it started, until book 9 (Crusade) finally gave me an insight into the Wings in a much more detailed manner.
And it was good. Getting details on the Stormwing and Firewings especially, the notes on why the Deathwing had bone-colouring plates tying them into there 40K lore and the access to forbidden technology that no other Legion was ever allowed. But I was still mostly Ironwing in what I had. But that’s slowly changing.
Okay, What’s the Narrative?
Anahel, Champion of the Deathwing commands the 27th Dark Angels Interdiction Fleet. The forces at his command mostly favour the warfare specialised by the Ironwing: armoured companies assaulting enemy formations. They’re an army that meets the enemy in open battle, with bolt and blade and plasma. But all of this is a diversion, lethal as it may be. It draws out the enemy into killing fields for the massed fire of the Dark Angels to take apart, and while they crush there foes Commander Azreal3 of the Firewing leads his Assault Company against the enemies command. In that multi-pronged attack the opposing forces are crushed and demoralised.
The 27th Fleet was deployed in the Northern Reaches with the rest of the Legion when the events Istvaan took place, redeploying and joining with the Lion during the Thramas Crusade. After which they were attached to Corswain’s Fleet taking various actions against those that no longer held there allegiance with the Imperium.
Or that’s the idea anyway.
Why Dark Angels when you’ve been painting Death Guard lately?
Because of this guy. We’re out of April. We thought that was the last Heresy Thursday. But no, they have more suprises for us and getting one of the named characters for the 1st Legion, one decked out in some real fancy Cataphractii plate armour too? Yeah I’m having that. He looks so much like the Knights Cenobium (that he can take as a Bodyguard in 1st Edition) that he’ll fit right at home with the 10 I have. But that’s not even the best part of this model.
Not even the conversion potential that standing pose can give us.
Or the double tactical rocks, one for each foot, to show his tactical prowess.
Not even that sweet looking plasma weapon in his hand to vapourise Traitors with.
No the best part is the Night Lord’s decapitated helm at his feet. Exactly where they belong. I might be slightly biased here. But this guy makes me want to add more to the Dark Angels and I was expecting not to be feeling that urge to paint black until I’ve seen or had confirmed something much more pressing (hint: it’s Assault Marines).
And on that I’ll take my leave and start packing these models away for the trip on Saturday. I will be taking a lot of pictures, trying to get a lot of questions in to the GW staff and doing my best to find out just what 2.0 holds for the 1st Legion (amongst others). Till then, Peace out y’all.
I regret nothing. ↩︎
GW in all seriousness bring this kit back already! ↩︎
Fun thing about the Dark Angels lore, and I recommend picking up the Gav Thorpe trilogy for this as well, but in the book ‘Azrael’ you discover that the new recruits are given a name from a list of historic ‘hero’s of the chapter’. I could very well have an Asmodai in the Heresy if I really wanted. Also the model for this character is half built so no pictures yet ↩︎
Image Linked from Warhammer Community ↩︎