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Casual Heresy

A Horus Heresy focussed blog from a group that includes a Casual, some of the Damned and our mandatory Tryhard. We don't roll 6's, We roll 1's

New Year, New 'Casual Chemical Warfare'

'A Proper Heresy Checklist' - The Casual, reading the Geneva Convention

The Casual

5-Minute Read


Welcome to 2023, and the revival of blogging. We’ve been a bit quiet these last few months, spending it getting our teeth stuck deep into the community and the game itself. Which has left us little time to blog about the various Warhammer World or Independent events we’ve been to, or even to post much about our hobby progress over that time.
Thankfully the eternal Optimist on the team thought it would be a good idea to start up a slow-grow project and that’s given me a good enough reason to go back to something I picked up near this time last year. before I got side tracked by the shiny Dark Angels rules, Sedras, Corswain or painting up what must be near 3,000 pts of the 1st Legion in about 6 months.

What’s the Plan?

I’m not sure yet. I do know that this project is going to have one rule at least for the next 6 months and maybe until the end of the year.
No Dreadnoughts.
Yes, you in the back, already moaning about how ‘OP’ and unfair those units are. Let me just say that I’m not restricting myself because of that. Nor is it because I painted up 3 Contemptors, a Leviathan and Deredeo to make up a Fury of the Ancients style list for the last event I was at. It’s because those models are going to be larger than what I intend to put on the table for the first three events of this year 1.

For now let’s go into the list that I’m planning to build in under 3 months.

Creeping Death

From the top this is going to be a 3,000 point, infantry only list using the Crawling Death2 Rite of War. And I am absolutely playing an actual Traitor faction this time.

  • Calas Typhon (Warlord)
  • Malic Varsha, Siege Breaker (Cataphractii Consul)
  • Velas Dirge, Herald of Asphodel (Tartaros Consul)
  • 3x 20-strong Tactical Squads equipped with a Scythe, Vexilla, Vox, Toxin Bombs and Bayonets
  • 1x 10-strong Volkite Tactical Support Squad equipped with a Fist, Vexilla, Vox, Toxing Bombs and chainswords
  • 1x 10-strong Grave Wardens Squad with Chainfists and Toxin Bombs
  • 1x 5-strong Death Shroud bodyguard for Velas
  • 1x 10-strong Heavy Support Squad with Multi-Meltas, Toxin Bombs and Augury scanners
  • 1x 10-strong Heavy Support Squad with Autocannons, Toxin Bombs and Augury scanners

That is bang on 3,000pts exactly. Comes in with 2 Movement, 1 Shooting and 1 Assault reactions but more importantly 108 infantry models.
Not a single piece of ‘heavy’ armour in this list at all. It’ll even fit into 1KR card case for even easier transport.
That’s the list. That’s the plan. Welcome to 2023, and the Casual’s lost his damned mind already.

Didn’t you Start this Already?

Why yes, yes I did. Which is why 108 models in less than 3 months isn’t as crazy as it might seem at first glance. Right now as I type this I can look over and see that the below list are all fully painted and based.

  • Malic Varsha
  • 10 Tactical Marines
  • 10 Grave Wardens

I’ve already started on another 16 models that are near the end of what I need to do for them. That’s another 15 Tactical Marines and Velas Dirge that just need the final touches on their bases before buying transfers for everything3

Why do you keep saying you have 3 months to do this in?

Didn’t we already cover that I’ve lost my mind and gone crazy already? Maybe a little more detail is needed.
There are 3 events I’ve bought tickets for.

  • Warhammer World 25th March (Traitor)
  • Serpents Lodge, Stockport mid-April (Loyalist, so I need to think about this one carefully as I want to play the Death Guard for it)
  • Warhammer Fest end of April (Will be playing Traitor as much as possible)

That means I have about 11 weeks to complete this army. 10 models a week doesn’t sound all that bad, especially when I have 26 completed already with another 15 needing finishing touches. It’s almost like I’m halfway to the end goal already.

Surely You’re not going to just do Infantry Only, right?

You’re correct, I’m not going to do Infantry only4. I have a crazy idea that I want to see if I can have ready in this time as well, which is a second list. Still sticking to the theme of mostly infantry this one will bring in some tanks. 5 of them to be precise.
4 Scorpius Whirlwinds and 1 Typhon (or Cerberus). Because playing just two of them was almost a War Crime in and of itself and if I’m already unleashing chemical weapons I might as well tick more items off the Geneva Checklist at the same time.

Goals for the Next Update

I’m going to take these in small chunks because as we all know it can be very easy to burn yourself out when tackling a big project in one go. To that end I’m going to power through the basic Tactical Marines to start as they make up the bulk of the project.

Tactical Squad Number 115 finished, 5 to doBuild and Paint last 5 including Vox
Tactical Squad Number 210 finishedBuild and paint 5 including Vexilla
Tactical Squad Number 30 built (not started)Build & Undercoat first 5 Tactical Marines including Sergeant

And with that said, see you for an update in a week or two when I should have another 15 models done.

  1. Mostly I mean. We’ll come back to this later as I do have a plan that is counter to this. ↩︎

  2. Or Creeping Death, I honestly get these names mixed up a lot ↩︎

  3. I am not looking forwards to applying transfers to everything ↩︎

  4. And don’t call me Shirley. ↩︎

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Just a group of Collectors, Painters and Players from the North(-ish) of England that want to share our hobby and thoughts on all things Heresy.